In order to achieve maximum health and healing, integrative medicine and health reaffirms the value of the relationship between the practitioner and the patient, acknowledges the whole person, is evidence-based, and utilizes all suitable lifestyle and therapeutic approaches, health professionals, and disciplines. The hallmarks of Integrative Health, a rapidly expanding area of healthcare, are healing, a patient-provider […]
read moreHolistic health is a way of living that takes into account all aspects of wellness. It promotes respect for the whole person, including their mental, physical, social, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual needs. The person takes an active role in making decisions about their health and treatment, including choosing a lifestyle that promotes wellbeing.
read moreIn general, holistic medicine blends conventional medicine with complementary and alternative medicine that have been shown by scientific evidence to be effective.
read moreA whole-person therapeutic strategy that addresses the body, mind, and spirit is provided at the Center for Integrative Medicine. It integrates the use of alternative therapies in addition to conventional therapy.
read moreWe agree with the proverb that “prevention is better than cure.” You can actively manage your health if you have a clear understanding of how your body functions as well as what it needs to do so. New medical techniques are entering the healthcare industry as a result of advancements in research and medicine, which […]
read morehe ultimate objective of functional medicine is to treat disease and promote a healthy life. It is a customized and integrated functional health approach that focuses on understanding the core causes, treatments, and prevention of complex chronic diseases.
read moreThe holistic nutrition theory states that one’s health is a complex interplay between chemical, physical, emotional and mental, environmental, and spiritual components of one’s life and being. As a result, experts in holistic nutrition view holistic healing from the perspective of the whole person.
read moreUnlike day spas, med spas are owned and operated by doctors, and while not every procedure is performed by a doctor, they are all done under the supervision of a certified physician, rendering procedures and treatments safer and less likely to cause complications.
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