
13 Minutes

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The condition of excessive sweating also referred to as hyperhidrosis, sudorrhea, or polyhidrosis, is characterized by excessive localized or diffuse perspiration. The sweating can impact a particular location or the entire body. Excessive perspiration could be the result of primary causes and disorders or a secondary disorder.

You might think “Why do I sweat so much exercising?” Here we find out why. Although it is not life-threatening, it can be embarrassing and cause psychological anguish.

Fast Facts On Hyperhidrosis (Excessive sweating)

  • Typically, hyperhidrosis begins throughout adolescence.
  • Approximately 7.8 million Americans are affected by hyperhidrosis.
  • Most frequently affected are the hands, cheeks, feet, and armpits.
  • There are numerous treatments that can alleviate symptoms.

This article will examine the causes, symptoms, and hence the diagnosis of hyperhidrosis.

While excessive sweat during exercise can be normal for some individuals, there could be certain underlying conditions for your profuse sweating that might need treatment. Due to the comparatively large number of sweat glands in the feet, hands, groin,  and armpits, these are typically the areas where hyperhidrosis is most evident.

Focal hyperhidrosis: When excessive sweating is confined to a specific area. Palmoplantar hyperhidrosis, for instance, is profuse sweating of the soles and palms.

Generalized hyperhidrosis: The entire body is affected by excessive perspiration.

It is possible for hyperhidrosis to be present at birth or to occur later in life. However, the majority of cases of hyperhidrosis begin during adolescence.

The condition may have an underlying cause or have no obvious cause:

Primary idiopathic hyperhidrosis: “idiopathic” implies “of undetermined cause.” The preponderance of hyperhidrosis symptoms is localized.

Secondary hyperhidrosis: The individual sweats excessively due to an underlying medical condition, like obesity, menopause, gout, diabetes, mercury poisoning, a tumor, or hyperthyroidism (hyperactive thyroid gland).

As reported by the International Hyperhidrosis Association, hyperhidrosis affects around 2.8% of Americans or about 7.8 million people.

For others, the symptoms of hyperhidrosis are so severe that they are humiliating and cause discomfort and worry. There may have an impact on the patient’s employment choices, leisure activities, self-image, personal relationships, and emotional well-being.

Fortunately, there are numerous methods for efficiently treating symptoms. The greatest difficulty in managing hyperhidrosis is the large number of individuals who do not seek medical guidance, either out of shame or ignorance that effective therapy is available.

Who Suffers From Hyperhidrosis?

All ages are susceptible to excessive perspiration. Dermatologists discovered:

  • Hyperhidrosis is typically inherited.
  • Certain medical problems (such as menopause) might produce perspiration.
  • Certain drugs might induce excessive sweating.
  • The issue exists regardless of the climate.
  • There are likely more individuals with hyperhidrosis that are identified.

Hyperhidrosis is characterized as excessive perspiration that interferes with daily activities. At least once each week, without apparent cause, episodes of excessive perspiration interfere with social life or everyday routines.

Changes in lifestyle can often alleviate the symptoms of hyperhidrosis.

Among the possible symptoms and signs of hyperhidrosis are:

  • Wet or clammy hands
  • Wet or clammy feet
  • Frequent perspiration
  • Perceptible perspiration that penetrates clothing.

People with hyperhidrosis may have the following:

  • Inflammatory and painful skin conditions, like bacterial or fungal infections
  • Concerned that your clothes will be stained
  • Unwilling to engage in bodily contact
  • Self-conscious
  • Socially reclusive, leading at times to depression
  • Choose an occupation that does not demand physical contact or human connection.
  • Devote a great deal of time each day to sweat-related activities, like wiping, changing clothes, inserting pads or napkins under the arms, washing, and putting on bulky or dark clothing.
  • Concern yourself more than others with body odor

It is uncommon for patients with primary hyperhidrosis (the type of excessive sweating not linked to an underlying medical condition) to experience excessive sweating at night. It is unclear why.

Do some research (where do you sweat from the most? When does this generally happen?   What mental or physical processes occur beforehand? What further symptoms are present?) Keeping these facts in mind, let’s examine excessive sweating causes and why you may be sweating excessively on a daily basis. Detective hats donned, hand towels prepared.

Primary Focal Hyperhidrosis

As per Mayo Clinic, this is among the most frequent cause of excessive perspiration. The term “focal” relates to the areas of the body where perspiration naturally appears, such as the palms, underarms, and cheeks. It presents typically as a symmetrical overabundance of sweating on the body (for example, both soles of the feet, both palms, or both groin areas will have too much perspiration). It is neither an indication of nervousness nor a serious sickness.

So why does this occur? Sadly, science is not quite certain. People with this disorder do not have larger sweat glands or additional sweat glands, or anything else in the sweat-producing areas that could be responsible for this problem. The current assumption is that a genetically transmitted issue in the neurological system triggers an unwarranted perspiration response. (It is referred to as idiopathic, meaning that we do not yet know how it occurs.) 

Fifty-one percent of individuals with primary hyperhidrosis in the United States had the condition under their arms, according to one study. There are, thankfully, treatments for the illness, such as the use of very low electric impulses, medicines, or even neurotoxins injected intravenously to block overactive sweat glands. However, many individuals with PFH do not seek assistance owing to embarrassment. But there’s no need to worry: if you are dealing with PFH and it’s bothering you, there is assistance available.


Your luminance may be attributable, at least in part, to the constant sheen of sweat that coats you. It’s usual for pregnant women to experience an increase in sweating. Pregnant women can undergo hormonal fluctuation, higher blood flow, and increased metabolic rates, all of which result in slightly greater perspiration than usual. All of this is entirely normal, albeit a little unexpected. However, if you find yourself continuously wiping your forehead at your baby shower, do not fret.

Thyroid Disorders

This is another probable explanation for excessive sweating in pregnant women: pregnancy causes some women’s thyroids to become overactive, which is connected with excessive sweating. It can also have the same effect on non-pregnant individuals. 

Hyperthyroidism is the medical word for an overactive thyroid, which occurs when the thyroid gland, which plays a significant part in regulating the body’s metabolic rate, produces excessive amounts of the metabolic hormones tri-iodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4).  Your body will respond to these hormone levels by accelerating in essentially every sense of the word; all of your systems will be pushed to work extremely hard.

In addition to sweating, hyperthyroidism is usually followed by fast weight loss, irritability, tremors, exhaustion, and a rapid heart rate, as the body attempts to adjust to the hormonal “push.” It may also be characterized by a goiter or oversized thyroid on the neck. If you believe you are having any of these signs, schedule an appointment with your doctor immediately.


Perimenopause, the period shortly before a woman enters menopause and stops menstruating, promotes perspiration for a similar reason as pregnancy: the body systems respond to fluctuating hormone levels. However, the hot flashes of perimenopause are better known than pregnant sweaty underarms. Changes in estrogen have a direct impact on the body’s temperature regulation settings, and some individuals may be more susceptible to flushed skin with the need to reduce their core body temperature, but the reason for this is not completely understood by research.


Healthline describes three ways in which diabetics may experience excessive sweating: due to low blood sugar, in connection with food, and only at night. The first is a recognized symptom that diabetics are cautioned to check for perspiration as an indication that their blood sugar has begun to fall to an undesirable level; low blood sugar levels prompt the nervous system to initiate sweating. 

The second, which is more uncommon, is known as gustatory sweating due to its exclusive link with food; it is linked to severe diabetics who may have experienced nerve damage, occurs solely around food, and is restricted to the head and neck.

The dreaded nocturnal hyperhidrosis or “night sweats” is the third condition. In addition to diabetes, the National Health Service attributes night sweats to infections, sleep apnea, and hormone abnormalities, among other conditions. However, it is a problem for diabetics and is often an indication of low blood sugar due to nighttime insulin control.

Medication-Induced Sweats

If you are taking certain medications, they may be the cause of your perspiration. There is a class of drugs called diaphoretics, which induce profuse perspiration in some individuals. The International Hyperhidrosis Society has compiled a thorough list of these medications, many of which are not commonly associated with sweating. As a result, it is crucial to carefully examine probable side effects when receiving medication recommendations. 

The list contains several pain medications, cardiovascular and blood pressure meds, hormonal treatments, chemotherapy, anything that targets the endocrine system, certain antibiotics, and many others; check the list to see whether your medicine cabinet has a culprit.


Anxiety causes perspiration; the body’s panic reaction is designed to produce excessive sweating in the event of a threat. The specialists at the Anxiety Centre offer a thorough explanation for why:

Stress hormones prepare the body for quick action by altering how the body operates in response to the perception of danger. A portion of this modification involves boosting sweat so that the body’s fluids can be removed through the skin instead of the kidneys — such that you do not have to pause to urinate while protecting yourself or avoiding danger. Further action of the stress response is an increase in breathing and heart rate, which redirects blood to the regions of the body that are more essential for an emergency operation and away from areas that aren’t. This enhanced respiration and diverting action causes an increase in body temperature. Cooling the body is a second reason for a greater sweat.

People with anxiety are far more prone to perspire as a direct result of PTSD triggers, anxiety attacks, and generalized anxiety. If you believe that your anxiety is becoming severe or is preventing you from getting involved in life, counseling can be of great assistance.

The majority of the time, sweating is completely normal in hot conditions, while working out, or right before a big sales pitch; however, if this is interrupting your everyday life, genuinely irritating you, or making you feel insecure, you should consult a medical professional who can help identify the reason of excessive sweating and provide methods or treatment options to manage it.

Heart Disease

Sudden and profuse perspiration may indicate the onset of a heart attack. In reality, this symptom is typically the cause why heart attack patients seek medical assistance. A heart attack takes place when the blood supply that normally feeds the heart is interrupted. This also triggers the fight-or-flight response in the neurological system, resulting in abrupt hot flushes and/or perspiration. 

Knowing the other frequent heart attack signs can save a life: Sudden shortness of breath; pain in the arm, shoulder, chest, neck, or back; a sensation of chest compression, high pressure, or tightening. If you exhibit any of these symptoms, with or without profuse perspiration, you should seek emergency medical assistance.


Obesity, or a BMI of 30 or above, can lead to excessive sweating. Numerous factors cause obese individuals to perspire more. They must expend greater effort to do daily tasks and they are more susceptible to becoming overheated. In addition, they have a little surface area relative to their weight, thus their body must work even harder to cool itself, resulting in increased sweating.

Infections and Accidents

Certain infections can cause hyperhidrosis. Tuberculosis, bone infection (osteomyelitis), HIV, and abscesses are the most prevalent. Certain cancers, such as malignant tumors or lymphoma, can cause hyperhidrosis. It is also known that spinal cord damage can cause excessive perspiration.

Forehead Sweating: The Top 5 Causes

Apart from the above generalized profuse sweating causes, some of the causes for excessive forehead sweating are as under:

  • Eating spicy foods
  • Panic attacks
  • Underlying hormonal disorder
  • Medications
  • Low blood sugar 

What Can Be Done To Reduce Forehead Sweating?

Yes, it can be awkward and painful. However, there are several things you can do to prevent sweat beads from forming:

Routinely wash, scrub and cleanse your skin

Providing your scalp, head, and face a regular cleanse decreases oil and debris buildup on your skin. A good skincare routine towards the end of the day is an excellent time.

Stay away from hot meals

If you are prone to heavy face and head sweating, it is better to avoid recipes that are loaded with garlic and spices.

Note your sweating patterns.

What times of day or circumstances cause you to sweat the most? Keeping track will assist you in identifying the root issues and managing them.

Consult your doctor

You should consult your physician or dermatologist to rule out any underlying disorder that might be causing excessive sweating. 

Hyperhidrosis may appear to be a small irritation, but based on its intensity, it can bring psychological and physical suffering.

Fungi can thrive in a moist environment created by hyperhidrosis. Continuous foot perspiration can result in an athlete’s foot, while jock itch can be caused by excessive sweating in the groin area. It can also result in nail fungus infections and body odor.

Additionally, excessive perspiration can lead to the skin breaking down, allowing germs and viruses to enter and cause skin illnesses such as warts. According to data published in the American Journal of Managed Care in December 2018, persons with hyperhidrosis are 300 percent more likely to get skin infections.

Additionally, excessive sweating can render social situations uncomfortable. You may avoid outings and gatherings out of anxiety or shame over perspiration that is visible to others. Additionally, it hinders people from achieving educational and professional objectives.

Hyperhidrosis is characterized by excessive sweating in the absence of a known cause, such as a hot day or a strenuous workout.

As per the International Hyperhidrosis Society, however, the repercussions of hyperhidrosis extend beyond the skin, as mental health concerns, like depression and anxiety, are widespread among those coping with the condition.

Situations such as riding the metro, dining out, and entering a shared office space, which all necessitate being in the public spotlight and socializing with others, can be emotionally taxing for those with hyperhidrosis. 72% of the 393 people with hyperhidrosis who participated in a nationally representative poll said that the illness adversely impacts their mental health.

In addition, according to the findings, which were reported in December 2016 in the Archives of Dermatological Research, 76% and 77% of participants said that hyperhidrosis negatively impacts their well-being and social life, respectively.

If you identify with the aforementioned statistics, know that you are not alone and that you have access to a variety of treatments that can enable you to live a more pleasant and confident life.



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