Best Functional And Integrative Medicine Books
12 Minutes
At the most fundamental level, scientists are revealing that nearly all chronic diseases, which cause so much misery and are continuously driving up health care costs, include excessive inflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction, elevated cortisol levels, and other indicators of disordered biochemical functions.
In the most realistic sense, we all have the same illness since all diseases begin with faulty biochemistry and disorganized cell-to-cell communication. For wellness and health to return, the biochemistry of our bodies must return to normal, and cell-to-cell communication must be re-established. This holds true for all diseases.
The following is a collection of the best functional and integrative medicine books that can help anyone begin to unravel the web of their current health situation. They will also be useful for the reader who hears contradictory health information and seeks a readable and trustworthy source of information.
Undoctored: Why Health Care Has Failed You and How You Can Become Smarter Than Your Doctor
In his New York Times best-selling book, Wheat Belly, Dr. William Davis transformed the lives of countless people by instructing them to eliminate wheat from their diets to cure years of ongoing health damage. In Undoctored, he is now going beyond eliminating wheat to assist you in taking care of your health. Dr. Davis wishes for you to realize that traditional medicine is no longer to your advantage.
To fuel revenue-hungry healthcare systems, he will disclose how millions of individuals are prescribed unneeded pharmaceuticals, given food suggestions devised by big businesses, and subjected to wasteful surgeries suggested by health providers. To escape a health care system that prioritizes revenues over health, he demonstrates how the modern explosion of information tools can be used to develop a comprehensive program that aims to reverse, reduce, and cure common ailments through simple strategies, such as leveraging the collective knowledge of new online technologies.
Undoctored is the catalyst for a new health care movement centered on individual autonomy. The outcomes of Dr. Davis’ 6-week program outperform those of the traditional healthcare system. You will be able to regulate your health and circumvent profit-driven healthcare practices.
Missing Microbes: How the Overuse of Antibiotics Is Fueling Our Modern Plagues
It is a crucial and startling assessment of the adverse effects of antibiotic overuse by the field’s preeminent authority.
This groundbreaking book will take the reader’s attention to the forefront of groundbreaking research while uncovering the harm that overuse of antibiotics is causing to our health: resulting in the increasing prevalence of obesity, diabetes, asthma, and certain types of cancer. In Missing Microbes, Dr. Martin Blaser welcomes us into the wilderness of the human microbiome, where, for thousands and thousands of years, human and bacterial cells have coexisted in a symbiotic relationship that is responsible for our body’s function and balance. Some of our most highly regarded medical advancements—antibiotics—threaten the extermination of irreplaceable microbes, which would have catastrophic health consequences. Blaser not only offers cutting-edge evidence for the negative effects of antibiotics by taking us all into the lab and into the disciplines where these disturbing effects can be observed firsthand, but he also tells us what we should do and how we can act to prevent even more disastrous health issues in the future.
The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, and Miracles
The Biology of Belief is a seminal contribution to the New Biology discipline. Dr. Bruce Lipton is a former professor and researcher at a medical school. His investigations, along with those of other cutting-edge scientists, have explored the mechanisms by which cells acquire information in great detail. This finding has profound ramifications for our knowledge of life. It demonstrates that DNA and genes do not regulate human biology; rather, DNA is regulated by signals from outside of the cell, such as the electrical messages emitted by our negative and positive thoughts. The profoundly optimistic synthesis of the most recent and outstanding studies in molecular genetics and quantum physics by Dr. Lipton has been hailed as a huge breakthrough, demonstrating that our bodies may be altered by retraining our thoughts.
The Brain’s Way of Healing: Remarkable Discoveries and Recoveries from the Frontiers of Neuroplasticity
The best-selling writer of The Brain That Changes Itself describes remarkable developments in the management of brain injury and disease.
In The Brain That Changes Itself, Norman Doidge explained the most significant advance in our knowledge of the brain in the past 400 years: the finding that the brain can modify its function and structure in response to mental experience, a phenomenon known as neuroplasticity.
His innovative new book reveals for the first time how the astounding neuroplastic healing process functions. It outlines natural, non-invasive pathways into the brain offered by the kinds of energy around us — light, music, vibration, and movement — that travel via our senses and bodies to awaken the brain’s innate healing capacities without causing undesirable side effects. Doidge investigates cases in which patients recovered from debilitating strokes, accidents, or resolved years of chronic pain; children with learning disorders or on the autistic spectrum disorders getting better; clinical signs and symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and cerebral palsy improved dramatically, and other near-miraculous recoveries. And we discover how to significantly reduce the likelihood of dementia with easy strategies that anyone may implement.
Functional Medicine Coaching: Stories from the Movement That’s Transforming Healthcare
The motivational stories in Functional Medicine Coaching explain the personal breakthroughs and journeys toward overall fitness and well-being that occurred as a result of training with a health coach. The power of merging the concepts of positive psychology coaching and Functional Medicine will be revealed to both prospective coaches and those who are working in the field.
The strong combination of these two methods fulfills the requirements of thriving individuals and it is undoubtedly one of the best functional medicine books. If you have a passion for helping people, consider the rapidly expanding disciplines of functional medicine coaching and health coaching.
Unconventional Medicine: Join the Revolution to Reinvent Healthcare, Reverse Chronic Disease, and Create a Practice You Love
The globe is confronting its most severe healthcare crisis ever. Chronic disease shortens our life expectancy, diminishes our quality of life, bankrupts governments, and endangers the health and well-being of future generations. Unfortunately, orthodox medicine, with its emphasis on symptom management, has failed to solve this difficulty. The outcome is exhausted physicians, a sicker populace, and a healthcare system in disrepair.
Chris Kresser outlines a solution to counteract this harmful trend in Unconventional Medicine. He demonstrates how the combo of a genetically-aligned lifestyle and diet, functional medicine, and a compact, coordinated care and practice model can build a system that better meets the requirements of both practitioners and patients.
The chronic disease epidemic can be halted if individuals and practitioners can adapt.
The Disease Delusion: Conquering the Causes of Chronic Illness for a Healthier, Longer, and Happier Life
Dr. Jeffrey Bland has been at the forefront of Functional Medicine, which attempts to identify and prevent the source of disease rather than treating its symptoms, for decades. Treating chronic illnesses contributes to three-quarters of our overall healthcare expenditures, he believes, because we masquerade and cover up these illnesses with medicines and temporary therapies instead of targeting their root causes. Even worse, addressing merely the symptoms cause more illness.
In The Disease Delusion, Dr. Bland describes Functional Medicine and its potential benefits. Even though developments in modern technology have virtually doubled our lifespans in just four generations, our quality of life has not yet achieved its full potential.
Outlining the causes of chronic diseases ranging from asthma and diabetes to obesity, arthritis, and cancer, as well as a plethora of other afflictions, Dr. Bland presents attainable, science-based treatments to alleviate these prevalent conditions and a road map to lifelong wellbeing.
Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams
Matthew Walker, a sleep expert and neuroscientist, delivers a groundbreaking examination of sleep, analyzing how it influences every part of our mental and physical well-being. Based on the most recent scientific discoveries and his nearly a decade of clinical experience and research, Walker describes how we can use sleep to enhance the learning process, energy levels, and mood, prevent cancer, regulate hormones, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s, slow the effects of aging, and increase longevity. Additionally, he shares tangible techniques for improving your night’s sleep each night.
Real Cause, Real Cure: The 9 Root Causes of the Most Common Health Problems and How to Solve Them
This book is an eye-opening guidebook that reduces common health issues to nine simple causes and provides readers with the relief they have been seeking.
Dr. Teitelbaum, a specialist in integrating conventional and alternative medicine, argues that addressing nine entirely preventable reasons is the key to long-term, genuine relief from persistent health issues.
Real Cause, Real Cure uncovers the root causes of over 50 health problems, directing users towards safe, cost-effective, and simple cures for ailments ranging from food allergies and acne to diabetes and cancer.
Readers will learn how a good night’s sleep can combat diabetes, heart disease, heartburn, depression, chronic pain, and weight gain; how everyday exercise not only precludes a growing waistline but also prevents fibromyalgia, Alzheimer’s, stroke, and insomnia; and how drugs taken to enhance our health are the main reason we keep getting sick.
The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting
There are thousands of books on the newest and most effective diets that help individuals lose weight and enhance their health. A fundamental component of every successful dietary healthcare program, however, is a tried-and-true strategy that few people have considered, but which could be transformative for progressing health to a higher level. This old mystery involves fasting.
Fasting does not entail starvation. When done correctly, it is a highly efficient therapeutic method that provides astounding results regardless of the eating plan. Dr. Jason Fung, a nephrologist located in Toronto, has successfully employed a variety of fasting regimens on over a thousand patients. In The Complete Guide to Fasting, he collaborates with international best-selling writer and experienced health podcast host Jimmy Moore to illustrate what fasting is, why it is so essential, and how to fast in a manner that benefits health. Combined, these make fasting a therapeutic method realistic and simple to understand.
The 4 Pillar Plan: How to Relax, Eat, Move, Sleep Your Way to a Longer, Healthier Life
An innovative, yet straightforward, path to a healthier lifestyle from the Doctor in the House (BBC show) star. In The Power of Balance, Dr. Rangan Chatterjee gives a straightforward approach to regaining control of one’s health and life.
Dr. Chatterjee’s four pillars of everyday health are food, relaxation, sleep, and movement or exercise. By making small, manageable adjustments in each of these important areas, it is possible to achieve and maintain excellent health and avoid disease.
It is not about succeeding in a single pillar; what is important is achieving a balance throughout all of your activities, including:
- Practice an electronic “sabbath” once every week,
- Going for 12 hours without food each day
- Daily morning exposure to sunlight
Relying on cutting-edge research and the author’s own medical experiences, this book provides fascinating case studies of actual patients.
The Wahls Protocol: How I Beat Progressive MS Using Paleo Principles and Functional Medicine
A researcher, doctor, and progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) patient whose TEDx lecture is now a web hit discuss an integrated approach to addressing chronic autoimmune illnesses.
Before being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) in 2000, Dr. Terry Wahls treated her patients’ conditions using pharmaceuticals and surgical techniques. Within 3 years, her stomach and back muscles had been damaged to the extent that she required a wheelchair with a reclining position. She was worried she would be incapacitated for the remainder of her life due to the ineffectiveness of traditional medical treatments.
Dr. Wahls started studying the most recent studies on brain biology and autoimmune disease and opted to get her minerals, vitamins, essential fatty acids, and antioxidants from food rather than prescription supplements. Dr. Wahl embraced the nutrient-dense paleo diet, progressively refining and incorporating it into a neuromuscular stimulation regimen.
How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease
How Not to Die, written by the physician responsible for the enormously famous website, presents the ground-breaking scientific evidence supporting the only diet that can reverse and prevent many of the reasons for disease-related death.
The great majority of premature deaths are preventable by dietary and lifestyle modifications. In How Not to Die, Dr. Michael Greger, internationally-renowned physician, nutrition expert, and founder of, explores the fifteen leading causes of premature death in the United States — heart disease, diabetes, various cancers, high blood pressure, Parkinson’s, and more — and explains how lifestyle and nutritional interventions can sometimes overturn prescription pills and other surgical and pharmaceutical approaches, allowing us to live healthier lives.
The basic truth is that the majority of physicians are proficient at managing acute illnesses but not chronic disease prevention. Annually, 1.6 million Americans perish due to the fifteen major causes of mortality. This is not required to be the case. By implementing Dr. Greger’s advice, which is supported by substantial scientific data, you will discover which foods to consume and what lifestyle modifications to undertake to live longer.
Digestive Wellness: How to Strengthen the Immune System and Prevent Disease Through Healthy Digestion
In the past three months, 60 percent of the community has experienced a digestive disorder. Acid reflux, gastritis, heartburn, lactose intolerance, ulcers, and food allergies are just a few of the diseases produced by improper digestion. The purpose of Digestive Wellness is to help you comprehend the intricate relationships between gut physiology, nutrition, and health. Written by renowned nutritionist Elizabeth Lipski, the third edition of this best-selling book has been extensively revised to include the most recent knowledge and research on digestive issues. Here you can find information on how to execute a wellness program to boost health and relieve a variety of issues caused by improper digestion.
Nutrient Power: Heal Your Biochemistry and Heal Your Brain
Psychiatry has achieved significant progress during the past fifty years, but a fresh approach is required. The current concentration on mental medications will not withstand time. Recent developments in brain molecular biology and epigenetics have provided a road map for the production of effective, safe, drug-free, natural remedies. Psychiatric drugs have benefited society well over the past 50 years, but as knowledge develops, the necessity for chemical therapy will diminish.
Nutrient Power presents a scientifically-based nutrient therapy approach that can assist millions of individuals with mental problems. This approach acknowledges that dietary abnormalities can alter levels of important neurotransmitters in the brain, interfere with gene expression of proteins and enzymes, and weaken the body’s defenses against environmental contaminants. In patients diagnosed with autism, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), behavior problems, depression, Alzheimer’s disease, and schizophrenia, the author’s database encompassing millions of chemical components in urine, blood, and tissues have uncovered brain-altering nutrient imbalances. This book describes individualized nutrient restoration treatments that have resulted in tens of thousands of recovery stories. Walsh’s method is more methodical than the trial-and-error use of psychiatric medicines and aims to regulate the brain effectively.
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